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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Many?

In our family, we do a lot of travel by car. My husband and I are also map geeks who like to tally how many states we have visited, with a bit of friendly competition thrown in for good measure. I am proud of the fact that at 5 and 3, our sons have each visited 26 states, and I love the fact that they are learning to be excited about visiting a new state and finding them on maps.

This layout has long been on my list to create. Hopefully we'll have at least one more to add this summer. (And I now realize I need to add the "as of" date to this page. Back to Photoshop!)

States We Have Visited

Paper: Katie Pertiet's Color Challenge 4-25-10 Paper Pack at; Fonts: Impact and American Typewriter

Thursday, March 17, 2011

An Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Print

After seeing so many fun holiday printables on the web (and printing and using them to decorate for the Super Bowl and Valentine's Day), I decided to try them out myself. So here's my first attempt, in honor of celebrating our Irish heritage. You can see the 5x7 print here, and are welcome to print and enjoy it for yourself.

St. Patrick's Day stirs up plenty of happy memories of times spent with my great-grandparents, and especially St. Patrick's Day dinners with them, in their house that was painted a light green, inside and out. My Great Nanny Sue and I were cozy companions, side by side at her big green kitchen table sipping tea.

Here's to soda bread, leprechauns and the wearing of plenty of green next week!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Weekend Captured in Photos

As I played with the Instagram app over the weekend, a page started forming in my mind, something like this collage page from Ali Edwards that I had marked in my Tumblr site last week.

The square Instagram photos lend themselves to a grid layout easily, and the filtered effect ties them all together. I wanted to keep everything else very simple, but did find the gray flourishes in a free kit I downloaded from Persnickety Prints over the weekend.

I really like having a whole weekend summarized like this in a series of photos on a page. It's my tiny take on projects like a Photo a Day for a Year. I know I could never keep up with recording a year, but I like to have little random samples sprinkled into my albums.